A.G.R Paranormal & Ghost Research team

Agr paranormal @ Ghost investigation team
we help others that need our assistance,
we don't take any money for our services,
absolutely free 365 days a year,
seven days a week,
day or night
if anybody would like to give a donation that would be appreciated

Ashley jones

Founder & Creator of the A.G.R Paranormal & Ghost research Team 


while there are many signs of a spirit following you, these are some of the most common. If you're noticing any of these issues coming to light recently, it's time to get in touch with a paranormal team near to where you are.

so that you can get help in understanding your situation. 

1. Sudden Temperature Changes:

One of the common signs of a spirit or ghost visiting your space is experiencing unexplained fluctuations in temperature. You may feel an abrupt drop or rise in temperature in a particular area of your home, often accompanied by a distinct change in the atmosphere. These fluctuations are not related to HVAC malfunctions or drafts but rather can be attributed to the presence of spiritual energy. It is believed that spirits draw upon the energy around them to manifest, causing these temperature shifts. If you suddenly find yourself in a chilling cold spot or a warm patch without any logical reason, it might be an indication that a spirit is nearby, trying to make its presence known.

2. Recurring Lucid Dreams or Visions:

Spirits and ghosts often communicate with the living through dreams or visions. If you find yourself having vivid, recurring dreams with a particular theme or seeing images of a departed loved one during moments of wakefulness, it could be a sign that a spirit is trying to connect with you. These dreams or visions may carry symbolic messages, provide comfort, or offer closure. Pay attention to the details and emotions in these experiences, as they might hold valuable insights from the other side.

3. Electrical Interference:

Spirits are believed to manipulate electrical energy, which can lead to unexplained disruptions in electronic devices. If you notice appliances turning on or off by themselves, TVs or radios changing channels unexpectedly, or your phone acting erratically without any technical issues, it might be a sign of spiritual activity. Spirits are believed to draw energy from the electrical grid to manifest themselves, causing disruptions in electronic gadgets in their vicinity.

4. Vibrant Dreams of Departed Loved Ones:

While regular dreams can carry messages from spirits, some dreams stand out for their vividness and the clarity with which they feel real. These vibrant dreams of departed loved ones can be emotionally intense, leaving a lasting impression upon waking. In these dreams, the deceased may directly communicate with you, offering guidance, reassurance, or even a simple sign that they are at peace. It’s important to distinguish these dreams from regular ones, as they often carry a profound sense of connection and a distinct feeling of authenticity.

5. Feeling Drained of Energy:

If you find yourself suddenly feeling drained, fatigued, or emotionally overwhelmed without any apparent reason, it might be a sign of spiritual presence. Spirits are believed to feed off energy from the living to manifest or make their presence known. This can lead to feelings of tiredness, lethargy, or unexplained mood swings. If you notice such sudden changes in your energy levels, it may be worth considering if there’s a spiritual presence trying to communicate with you or if your energy is being affected by external spiritual forces.

6. Objects Moving or Disappearing:

Another sign of spiritual visitation is witnessing objects moving on their own or disappearing and reappearing elsewhere. You might find small items shifting from their usual places or larger objects moving across the room without any physical force acting upon them. While this phenomenon might be unsettling, it’s often an attempt by the spirit to draw attention or communicate with the living world. If you notice these occurrences repeatedly, it could be a sign that a spirit is trying to reach out to you.

7. Feeling of Emotion or Presence:

Sensing the presence of someone or feeling strong emotions, such as grief, love, or fear, without any apparent cause can be a sign of a spirit’s visitation. This inexplicable feeling of being accompanied by someone, especially in locations with emotional significance, may indicate that a spirit is trying to communicate or make its presence felt.

8. Flickering or Moving Lights:

Spirits are believed to interact with energy, and this can manifest in the form of flickering lights or lights moving without any apparent cause. If you frequently witness bulbs flickering, light fixtures swaying, or unusual light patterns, it could be a sign of a spirit’s attempt to draw attention.

9. Persistent Animal Behavior:

Animals are known to be sensitive to spiritual energies. If your pets exhibit unusual behavior, such as staring intently at a specific spot, growling at seemingly nothing, or acting agitated in a certain area of your home, it could indicate the presence of a spirit or ghost.

10. Unexplained Touches or Strokes:

Sensing gentle touches, strokes, or the feeling of someone brushing against you when there’s no physical explanation can be a sign of a spirit trying to make contact. These touches are often perceived as gentle and comforting, rather than aggressive or threatening.

Now that you know some of the biggest spirit signs to determine if one is trying to contact you, it's time to learn more. Contact the Agr paranormal & ghost research team on our contact page, to ask any questions that you might have about the spirit realm. Our experts know all about the realm of the metaphysical and are happy to give you a tarot reading, astrological reading, or any other form of spiritual analysis.

Why Some spirits can't  pass over to the other side 

Some fear judgment.
If you believed you were going to Hell, like say for murdering someone, how fast would you want to get there? Perhaps you might want to slow down the process a bit or even stay off the grid so you can’t be sent there right? Some people fear God’s judgment so they resist the light and stay earthbound. To them, this is preferable to going to Hell. If Hell existed, I might agree with them, so it’s a real shame that some people remain earthbound instead of crossing over. There is nothing you could have done on this earth that would cause Source to turn its back on you. You will be forgiven if you can forgive yourself. This includes those who commit suicide.

Some have unfinished business.
I’ve encountered people who were murdered and are hanging around waiting to see if their murderer will be brought to justice. I’ve also seen family members hang out waiting for another family member to cross over. This is unnecessary but if the timing is close, I can see why people hang out.

  Some aren’t aware they’re dead.
Believe it or not, there are spirits wandering around out there who aren’t clear on the fact that they’ve died. Your mind is powerful. If you die unexpectedly or you were extremely committed to living, it could take days or even weeks to get the clue. You could end up haunting your old haunts, hanging out in your old house, trying to get the attention of the living and wondering why they can’t hear you. If you ever find your spirit instantly severed from your body, it could take a little while to realize what’s happened. If you’re ever in a situation where you suspect you might be dead, try walking through a wall. If you can, you’re probably dead.

Some aren’t ready to go.
Some people cling to life as best they can because they simply aren’t ready to leave it. Sometimes people stay earthbound because they can’t leave their loved ones, such as children. This can also happen if you are extremely passionate about your life or simply having a fantastic time.

All of the above situations are unnecessary. When you actually do cross over, you are not judged and sent to Hell, you can still finish your unfinished business, and you can still watch over your loved ones from the other side. For those that are lost or unaware that they are dead, they do usually figure it out. If they don’t, a good medium can help cross them over.

The vast majority of people die and cross over just fine, so I don’t want you to worry that your loved one didn’t “make it” to the other side. People find their way there eventually. Guides and angels on the other side take care of our loved ones who are still earthbound and, when they are ready, these guides and angels help them cross over. If you think you have a problem, then give us a ring on 07840 832268 and one of the team will answer any question you might have.

some ghosts won't cross over 

ask yourself this question? what are humans afraid of in life, We as living people don't want to think about dying 
because we don't know what to expect. people have been asking this question for centuries of years, and still we have not got a definitive answer,
so take this up a level to a ghost that has to go through the same thought process onto a higher plain 
not sure what will happen to him or her,